
My name is Andy Burns and I am a student, a pastor, and a musician.

I am a first year Masters of Divinity student at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio, on track to be ordained in the United Methodist Church in a…few years.

I am the pastor of Alger First United Methodist Church (The Church That Cares), a small but fierce congregation with a great love for our community and our world.

I am a musician, a trumpeter to be exact. And yes, the stereotypes that just came into your mind about trumpet players are probably true about me.

I have lots of thoughts about those three areas, and some of them are worth sharing. So that’s what I am going to share on this blog.

What does Breathing Light mean? I got the name from a great song by the band Becoming the Archetype. 1 John 1:5-“God is light; in Him, there is no darkness at all.” The goal of life is to get so close to that light that we are breathing in the light and exhaling it out into the world.

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